Challenges & Applications

Flexible sealing of cracks, voids and cavities

Cracks, voids and cavities can occur in virtually any structure, and it is no rarity for the stability of an entire building to be put in jeopardy. High-performance injection processes provide the best solution for avoiding consequential damage. Our range of elastomer and hydrostructural resins features high-grade, flexible sealing and swelling injection materials that offer optimum protection against water and contaminants combined with outstanding injectability and high cold flexibility. They are also permanently environmentally compatible and ground-water-neutral, and can be used in applications involving permanent contact with potable water.

Curtain injections for wide-area waterproofing

If a building suffers from general water permeability or wide-area rising damp, it is unlikely to remain suitable for its envisaged use for long. Excavation to expose the area is invariably far too expensive – and often unnecessary.

Curtain injection solutions using advanced materials from MC ensure cost-efficient, reliable and durable waterproofing. The injection work can be carried out in the underlying soil next to the building, behind walls, below foundation slabs and also for trench lining purposes. 

MC-Fastpack: compact, reliable and fast injection solutions

Injection work is needed in most construction projects. Although the measures required can be quite minor, they need to be carried out quickly and reliably.  Whether for flexible or rigid sealing, the MC-Fastpack system is always ready for use, with a range of options to ensure the right match to any standard injection job.

The two-component cartridge technology yields high-quality injection resins offering the best possible application properties. From the start of the injection process, they deliver ideal flow behaviour combined with minimal injection pressure. The range is rounded off by drilling and bonding packers together with the necessary adhesive and plugging materials.


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